Instagram @thanhlonglam

Silent Noise

Curated by Stefanie Verduyn
other participating artists:
Ulrike Bolenz (DE/BE), Steve Dean Mendes (PT/BE), Lavely Miller (US), Chantal Pollier, Vadim Vosters (FR/BE) , Bruno Walpoth (IT)
13/03/2022 - 01/05/2022, Verduyn Gallery, Moregem

‘A recurrent theme through the expo is the notion of stillness. Sculpted, painted, charcoal or photographed figures appear in a state of contemplation. Simultaneously, the selected works offer the viewer to experience a similar transition. Their weight and psychological nature dampen all ambient noise, enabling us to listen to our inner sounds.

Thanh Long Lam (Born in 1981, lives and works in Gent, Belgium) and his desolate landscapes achieve a similar impact. His charcoal drawings push us towards reflection, questioning not only the depicted image, but also the process.

LEFT: Day after the blues

Drawing, charcoal and crayon on paper, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, 2019-2022

RIGHT: State of the Moment

Drawing, charcoal and crayon on paper, 126 x 89 cm, 2020